The following is a work of fiction. Characters, names, situations, events, and locations described in this novel are purely the invention of the author's mind, or are used fictitiously. Any sort of resemblance to people - living or dead, names and locations is purely coincidental. This story is copyrighted and cannot be taken or displayed without the permission of the author.
by Danielle Komadina It was back in 1993 that Amber had the most excruciating pains of her life. Deep in sleep, she awoke abruptly clutching her stomach. Oh my god what's wrong with me, she asked herself writhing with agony. This is more then your average run of the mill stomachache. I think I might die if I don't get some help, she thought as she stumbled out of bed, somehow finding the strength to drive herself to the nearby hospital. As she pulled into the emergency room entrance she saw a welcoming sight her mother and a concerned nurse with a wheelchair that quickly transported her to an empty cubical. Once inside the curtained off area, Amber tried to get comfortable but the pain was getting worse and her mother had that worried mother look firmly plastered on her face. Oh God, what could this be Amber thought? It feels like my stomach is about to explode, she told herself as she tried to speak. "It's getting worse" she finally grumbled aloud, as nurses and doctors rushed in and out ordering test after test as they poked and prodded her weak and aching body. Then finally after what seemed to be hours, the diagnosis came from a young doctor who stood by her bedside. " I'm sorry Amber we found a cyst on your ovary," he muttered. The news hit her like a freight train, unable to speak her mind thoughts ran relentlessly through her mind. How could this be Amber thought? I am only 23. I am too young for this. I should be living my life to the fullest not have to battle this. " And I'm sorry we are going to have to operate," the thirty something doctor continued. With tears welling in her eyes, Amber looked at her mother, and tried to be brave for her. But how could she? She was so afraid all she wanted to curl up in a ball, hide underneath the covers, and hold her favorite teddy bear tightly. But she couldn't even do that, because constant questions kept tumbling through his mind. What about my job and school? What is going to happen to my life now? Will I ever be able to have children, Amber thought? But there was not much time for answers the operation was scheduled for the next morning. That night, Amber had some horrid dreams. Images of the masked doctors grabbing huge knifes and then tearing through her skin rumbled through her mind like some vivid horror movie. Unable to stay asleep one second longer, Amber sprung up to tell her mother her fears. " What if they mess up? They are dealing with a very delicate area mom?" "Honey I know you are scared but you have to keep the faith. Believe in god, and remember your grandmother is up in heaven watching over you." With tears in her eyes, Amber hugged her mother tightly and told her she loved her. The morning of the operation was a bright sunny June day. Amber's mom took her hand and squeezed it. "Amber I know how much you love bon Jovi, she smiled." " Yeah that's an understatement." Amber grinned, for the first time since this nightmarish incident began. "Well honey when this operation is done and u make a full recovery I am going to send you on the fan club trip. Maybe if u have something to look forward to it will help you get through this". With tears in her eyes, Amber didn't know what to say. Bon Jovi has always been a big part of Amber's life. Amber's father didn't understand her love for bon jovi and told her she needs to grow up. Amber's mother understood her daughter's love of their music and realized that their music helped Amber cope with her grandmother's death, and now with this agonizing cyst. "Thanks" was the only words Amber could utter as a lump gathered in her throat. Seconds later, the nurse and nun came into the room. " Amber" the nun whispered, "it's time to go" Clutching on to the nun's hand the frightened twenty three-year-old, asked for some words of comfort. "When the doctor puts you under, dream about something that makes you happy, dear I promise you aren't going to die on the operating table sweetie," the nun responded with certainty. With those words she felt the nurse prick her soft flesh. Slowly Amber felt her brown eyes begin to close, as she drifted off into a deep sleep. Suddenly sounds of screaming Bon Jovi fans filled her head. She feels her body being pushed to the front row a stage appears and Jon and her make eye contact. Smiling, Jon points to Amber! " Hey darling come join us on stage," his icy blue eyes beaming as his huge hand struggled to grab her small hand. Amber couldn't believe her luck. No way, she gasped to herself as; Jon gently pulled Amber on stage. For a moment she is mesmerized by the lights the screaming crowd and most of all by the larger then life man standing just inches away from her. "Come on girl don't be shy," Jon smiles as he puts the microphone in front of Amber quivering lips. "How bout we sing Keep the Faith? Just you and I and a few of our closest friends out there," he asks as the crowd encourages Amber. Amber stumbles over the words just because she is in shock. " Don't be shy Amber" Jon says over and over again as his voice slowly transforms into a female one. "Amber…. Amber… time to wake up. You are in recovery now. Amber try to open your eyes." Amber blinks her eyes and tells the nurse to go away because she had the best dream ever. The nurse laughs and tells her she takes this as a very good sign. An hour or two later The nurse wheels Amber to her room. It takes a full day for the drugs to completely wear off, and when they do, she finds a pleasant surprise on her door. Her best friend Jessica has taped a huge Bon Jovi poster on the back of the door and is happily sitting by her bed side ready to chat about better days ahead. Smiling, Amber thanks Jess, for the kind gesture as the two launch into a two hour conversation, about happier times. A week later, Amber emerged from her bed fully ready to go home. But as the doctor signs the discharge papers he lets it slip that the cyst could have been cancerous. She is strong the whole ride home, but once she is safely home her emotions erupt and she begins to cry. "Thank you for getting me through this, cancer free God," Amber sobs into her lap. The recovery period is a long and painful one for Amber. She is not allowed to work with the nursery school children have taught for over two years now. She misses their laughter and that unforgettable look of amazement each time she teaches them something new. It's painful for Amber to leave them behind but she knows her health is important, and realizes she will be back to teaching as soon as she get the doctor's okay. The okay came three weeks later and although Amber is thrilled to go back to work she knows the most exciting part of her summer is yet to come. August 93- a month and year Amber will never forget. She was on her way to her first bon jovi fan club trip. " I am on my way, and Jon you better watch out." Amber yells as the check in hour quickly approaches. Amber's mom laughs at her, drives her to the hotel, and tells her to have fun. "You deserve this", her mom adds as she gives Amber a huge hug. "Thanks Mom," Amber reply scanning the huge crowd of over excited Bon Jovi fans gathering outside the hotel. For a moment, Amber's mom stands there looking at her daughter's face. "Okay go have a blast," her mom finally says, with a laugh. " And hey stay of trouble she continues as she hands her overstuffed suitcase and gets back in her small car. Amber just laughs and says she will do her best, as her mother drives away. Once she arrives at the hotel Amber sees her best friend Jessica. They two twenty- three year- olds exchange warm hugs and get ready for the journey of their lives. Amber spots Jon's mom and goes to say hi to her. Jon's mom is all smiles and gives the pair a warm embrace, asking them if they're ready for some serious partying? "Of course" the girls giggle, as they look at their itinerary. Mrs. Bongiovi isn't kidding the weekend is filled with activities that would keep the most seasoned Bon Jovi fan on their toes. The first activity of the trip will happen later that evening, when Backstage fans board a special party boat that will show them New York's spectacular sites. As Amber boards the boat she can feel the excitement running through out the ship's dinning area, as her and about hundred and fifty other fans indulge in an elegant buffet and then dance all night to the Bon Jovi music being pumped through the boat's sound system. As she does such dances as the Electric Slide and the Funky Chicken she quickly forms a bonds with fans form all over the world and is delighted to discover they all love Bon Jovi as much as she does. Her and Jessica's feet are firmly planted on cloud nine, for the remainder of the boat ride until the captain announces they are about to dock. The girls feel a tiny bit of disappointment as they shuffle off the exit ramp, but quickly decide the night doesn't have to end early. Trying to savor every last moment of the night, the girls stay up all night, remembering their best Bon Jovi moments, each one wondering how the backstage was going to top such an awesome night. But somehow staff always manages to top themselves, planning bigger and better things every time. And the next day is no exception. In fact it grew into one of the best days of Amber's young life . It began early in the afternoon when a bus whisks the blood shot eyed group Bon Jovi's next concert stop in Philly. When the bus, arrives at the venue Amber and Jessica practically leap off the bus, and wait anxiously at the front entrance, with everyone else. But before they are go in, both girls are pulled aside, and introduced to a man named Mark. Mark works for the backstage staff, and is assigned to look after Amber and Jessica's and a small group of other fans. During the course of the day, Amber and Mark strike up a conversation about the trauma, she had just endured. Mark listens compassionately and gets a spark in his eye as dusk falls. " Come with me, I have an idea," Mark whispers, he pulls them away from the other fan club members, and quietly leads both Jessica and Amber to a special darkened hallway. As Mark squeezes Amber's hand, Jessica's eyes widen, when she suddenly realizes where they are. ". Wait here Amber I have a surprise for you and Jessica" Mark says proudly as he knocked on one of many closed doors. " Oh my god Amber, do you have any idea where we are" Jessica whispers barely able to breathe? "Yeah I think so," Amber responded equally excited! "Backstage" the girls squealed in unison! "Do you think the band is in that room? Do you really think HE'S behind that door Amber asked Jessica, who was now stunned into silence? Jessie just shrugged with a school girl's smile unable to believe her own eyes Their hearts beating wildly, the pair anxiously wait for 10 minutes until the vision of an angel walked into the towards them. His blue eyes as clear as the ocean and his perfect white teeth are showing through his plump pink lips. There was no doubt about it; this angel was Jon Bon Jovi! Still Amber has to blink her eyes three times before she is sure it is him. But when he speaks there is no denying it. "Hey darling. How are you?" his Jersey accent coming through with every word? Amber and Jessica are speechless, Jon doesn't mind he's used to it, and instantly puts them both at ease. Without hesitation, the larger then life leather clad rock god takes Amber's hand and shakes it. "I just wanted to meet you two and say thanks for coming. "Hope you enjoy the show." "Uh huh" Amber utters as stands with her arm around his waist Mark takes a picture of her Jessica and Jon. Jessica is a little more daring as her eyes scan Jon's very tight brown leather pants in between shots. Even daring to comment about how nice he filled out those pants. Instantly Amber laughs out loud. "Jessica you sure are a firecracker she chuckles as Jon agrees and unforgettable laughter fills the hallway. "Tell you guys what? I got some time he says looking down at his watch. Richie can handle sound check for a while. Let's chat! Straddling a nearby chair, the three chat about New Jersey , Jon's brand new baby daughter, and the excitement he going to feel when he takes the Philly stage . Amber wants to thank him for getting her through the worst days of her life, tell him how much his music has always meant to her but she can sense time is running short. She can hear Richie singing Purple Rain through the walls and although he is awesome she knows that the crowd of fan club members are waiting to witness a full band sound check. So she just settles for a quick, " thanks for everything you do, Jon" "No problem and thank you babe, he graciously smiles, I don't mean to cut this short but I guess I should get out there, he smiled "Thank you so much" Jon the girls say again. " It was my pleasure…I hope you enjoy the show cause I sure plan to" he winks as he shook the girls hands again. After Jon leaves to take the stage, Amber begins to cry tears of joy. She thanks Mark and god for allowing her the chance to meet Jon and realizes that she met Jon on the anniversary death of her grandmother. She silently thanks her grandmother and takes her seat for the show. The show begins and the guys are amazing. The whole place is on fire. You can feel the sparks from New Jersey to Tokyo. Richie is truly the King of Swing ripping through guitar lick after guitar lick song after song. And Tico is the Hitman as he flawlessly keeps the beat behind Jon. By the end of the show Jessica and Amber's voices are hoarse from screaming but neither girl minds. In fact they are proud of it! The lights go up exactly two and half-hours later. At first Amber feels a tinge of sadness, but it's only temporary because she realizes she has one more show tomorrow. She laughs and begins singing Sleep when I'm dead. The next day Father Bob tells them there will be a contest, The prize you ask? The fan that wins will sit on stage for one song with bon jovi during a show. Amber knows she will have no chance in hell, she'll win. After all this trip has been too perfect already, and luck rarely hits twice, she thought as Father Bob's voice bellows over the excited group of fans. "Is there an Amber Kritzar here?" Fr Bob asks his eyes scanning the crowd. "Amber Kritzar? You are the winner!" No way they didn't just call my name, did they? I must be hearing things Amber thinks. Amber Kritzar going once…. Jessica begins to hit Amber. "Amber he's calling you, go up there," Jessica screams happily, as she begins pushing her friend forward. Making her way to Father Bob, Amber could barely contain her joy as tears well up in her eyes once again. This trip has just been amazing after all she has been through. As the house lights fades, Father Bob grabs Amber's hand, and leads her down another dark hallway that leads to the stage. Taking a seat behind the band's fully functioning stage bar, she knows she will never forget this moment as long as she lives. But just when she thinks it can't get any better then this, it does, as Jon begins the beginning notes of Keep the Faith. " No way" she screams over Richie's amazing screeching guitar. How ironic is this? she continued to silently think remembering her dream while she was on the operating table two month earlier. Glancing over at Amber's gleeful eyes, Jon and Richie saunter over to her and give her a wink. Totally amazed by the beauty of the moment, Amber just sits back and commits everything to memory. But the night is over far too quickly and before Amber knows it the band is waving goodbye for the final time. Not wanting the night to end yet again, dozens of fans trudge back to the hotel lobby, where they party all night. Amber and Jess sit posh hotel's sofa and watch as fans call for an impromptu guitar sing along and everyone participates joyfully until the night sky slowly fills with golden light. This morning signals the end of the fan club weekend, and Amber feels a tangible sadness as she watches each fan club member trudge their suitcases out to the lobby. But as sad as she is, Amber will never forget the moments she had on this fan club trip and realizes how much more bon jovi means to her. Their powerful lyrics have always been her shining light reaching out to in her darkest bleakest moments, moments like the day her grandmother passed away or the day the doctors discovered her cyst. And for that she will always be grateful. Today Amber is 30, and still loves bon Jovi. Her theme song in life is It's my life because she knows no matter how hard her life is that she can always turn to her best friend Jessica, her family and bon jovi. |